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《爵士浮生》紀錄二○○五年,爵士樂大師賀比‧漢考特(Herbie Hancock)為了錄製一張突破傳統的專輯,走訪不同領域的音樂人共同創作的過程。專輯裡收錄了與Sting、Paul Simon、Christina Aguilera、Damien Rice、Annie Lennox與Santana等傑出音樂人的共同創作,展現出音樂的非凡可能性。

雖然是紀錄片,卻一點也不沉悶,反而有點像是在看音樂製作的幕後花絮。不論在鏡頭語言或是剪接節奏,導演Doug Biro和Jon Fine都秉持著「爵士精神」,以一種紀錄當下的流動感(dynamic),忠實呈現賀比漢考克與其他音樂人的互動。以流暢的剪接敘事與風格化的鏡頭語言,重現了這場「音樂無極限」的精彩創作過程。

"Jazz is the moment. (爵士就是當下)
You play the moment.(你在當下演奏)
Then the moment is fresh"(那一刻便神靈活現起來)

~Herbie Hancock, "Herbie Hancock: Possibilities"




這話令我想起《王牌天神續集》裡頭,上帝對艾文所說的:「只要一件隨機的善行,就可以改變世界。」"隨機的善行"(Act of Random Kindness)同時也是A.R.K.的縮寫,算是諾亞方舟的世說新解。音樂應該也是「隨機的善行」吧。你不曉得何時會在街上或商店裡的收音機裡,聽到令你心動的弦律。只要創作者心存正念,而那首歌也感動你的話。或許你的改變,也就是改變世界的力量。


《爵士浮生》最精彩的地方,就是漢考克與眾音樂人共同創作音樂的過程。我很喜歡Damien Rice和Lisa Hannigan合唱的"Don't Explain"。只要看過電影《偷情》的人一定忘不了Damien憂鬱磁性的嗓音。在《艾瑪的禮物》當中,Damien Rice的"Older Chests"與Azure Ray的"Safe and Sound"也同樣令人心碎。賀比漢考克同時也對這二位來自愛爾蘭年輕歌手驚豔不已。他認為Lisa Hannigan的唱腔非常有爵士味,在技巧上甚至有他的恩師Miles Davis的感覺。二位年輕人大膽挑戰當年「黑珍珠」比莉哈樂黛的經典歌曲,並且詮釋得令人心碎,令賀比大為激賞。

賴聲川在《賴聲川的創意學》中指出:「創作的智慧必須隨時在生活中累積,創作時備妥,才能順利運用。」我想這一段用來形容John Mayer創作"Stitched Up"的狀況是再恰當也不過了。"Stitched Up"有一句歌詞是"A girl like that don't sleep alone."。那是John Mayer與賀比一群人在即興創作時脫口而出的一句話。這句話或許已經在眾人口中說過很多次,不曾有人注意。但是透過創作的過程,在集結無數複雜的文本脈絡後脫胎換骨,成為歌詞中的神來之筆。也讓一句平常的話語"A Girl Like That Don't Sleep Alone",注入了藝術的靈魂與生命。

John Mayer說創作者總在追求靈光乍現的一瞬間。當那個moment來臨的時候,你便會拿起筆來不斷地寫,深怕那一刻就這樣子飛逝了。聽完John Mayer的現身說法,我驚覺其實創作是一件多麼universal的事情。一個靈感閃過,我們抓住它,或許加以延伸,或許集體創作,將那概念性的可能無限擴展,變成一個完整的作品。創作者都在追求一種「忘我」的境界。只要進入那個境界,繆思女神所灌養的果樹便供你享用。可惜那「忘我」的境界可遇而不可求,往往只是神來一筆的瞬間,或是電光火石的靈光乍現。

有趣的是,講創作的賴聲川也用「爵士樂」來比擬「即興創作」。其實爵士樂很大的特質就在於「當下」,與「即興創作」頗有異曲同工之妙。賴聲川舉爵士樂大師強‧柯川(John Coltrane)為例,「在即興演奏中綻放出深度的生命火花、驚人的創意能量」。樂迷聽到的不只是高超的技巧,也聽到了他的心靈。而這一切都與賀比的說法不謀而合。



"Stitched Up"
By John Mayer

Exactly how you hear it, is exactly how it all went down...
It was later in the evening
That the facts and the figures got turned around
True, there was a woman
Yes, she did advance my way
And I can't be sure exactly but I swear I saw her say my name

It was the right time
She was the real thing
I had to walk away

(See) Don't wanna be, stitched up out of my mind
Feeling strung out, laggin' behind
All trapped in, can't do a thing because I'm
Locked down
Stitched up, feeling the burn
All strung out, I finally learn that
Trapped in, can't do a thing because I'm
Locked down

I wonder where she came from
I wonder where she's gotta go
Who's to say she's single
And who's to say she's on her own
Girls like that don't sleep alone
(Alright here's the thing, here's the thing)

That girl is flawless, and I know I'm not the first one to think that
And since I'm not the first, I sure won't be the last
I'd spend my whole life looking behind my back
I just don't think I'm up to that

Stitched up, out of my mind
Feeling strung out, laggin' behind
All trapped in, can't do a thing because I'm
Locked down
Stitched up, feeling the burn
All strung out, I finally learn that
Trapped in you can't do a thing because you're
Locked down

Stitched up, out of my mind
Feeling strung out, laggin' behind
All trapped in, I can't do a thing because I'm
Locked down
Stitched up, feeling the burn
All strung out, I finally learn that
Trapped in you can't do a thing because you're
Locked down
Locked down

Stitch me up, string me out
Trap me in, lock me down
Stitch me up, string me out
Trap me in, lock me down
I don't wanna be
Stitch me up, string me out
Trap me in, lock me down
Stitch me up, string me out
Trap me in, lock me down
Because I'm down and down and down (oooh)


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